
Introduction Who am i and Am i doing here

IM an Artist and professor, sculptor or digital an plastic Artist , and cognitivist on teaching Side, I’m also dyslexic meaning you may find some content how to addle and deal with that in here(also find a lot of typos).

You Will find here is protype of Build of how I build this website, how it grows if you are seeing it in real time fashion.

This website is 3 way stream, meaning as you read this probably you have the need solve the same problem as me .

Building a website and explain allot of stuff in one place for simple is better then complicated, but complex is also simpler for it solves a full (name) problem.

This is a very, 1º steps. Create a documentation, with some introduction of what is intended to be. If you have the same Problem start here be honest with yourself.

I’m an artist, here you will find my art exploration, and all the steps I can master to show. All kinds of links will be made for this.

The other content you find here is: A recreation Asportation from my master thesis, where i have to make a defence, meaning this way i have a fail-safe back up, with an English and Portuguese version. if something goes wrong I have more solution to show.

My thesis is directed to the practice of Art teaching and education, and as you are reading, this is not finished . I hope that you find it Insightly, for solving, problems if you intend to teach, or are struggling to learn, and or dealing with school system.

If you find this because of the dyslexic paragon problem I intent to create a section just for that.

On the website dilemma I chose to do it outside for now of the manage packaged content distribution of website like WordPress one to all in one hosting wbsite , wix , editor x and webflow, because even if useful, are costly.
I have low recourses, and lets say, that I would like to pay the programmers for their efforts, I cant. Most of us Millennials’ were given a bad hand on the financial and political level, and you should know this already. So this is start from 0.02.

Think of this like teaching program that comes with his own source code and open source.